Friday, August 5, 2011

Hagalakayi Chutney/Bitter Gourd Chutney

Bitter gourd/ Bitter Melon is one among the healthiest vegetable. I would like to mention some of the health benefits of Bitter melon here so that you will be inspired to try this recipe.
Bitter gourd has the Vitamins like A,B1,B2, and C and has most of all the minerals which we need daily. It has twice the beta-carotene than Broccoli, twice the potassium than in Banana and twice the calcium than in spinach. It is also rich in iron and dietary fibers .
It has a vast therapeutic use in Ayurveda to cure the disorders of blood by purifying the blood tissue, Diabetes mellitus, eye problems, piles, psoriasis, respiratory disorders.
It is a immunity booster and enhances the energy.
And believe me this recipe will not be bitter......

- 1/2 mediums sized Bitter gourd/Bitter Melon/Hagalakayi
-1 Tbsp Channa Dal/Kadle beLe
-1Tbsp Urad Daal/ Uddina bele
-3-4 Red chillies
- 1/2 lemon size Tamarind
-2 Tsp grated Coconut
-1 Tsp oil
-1/2 Tsp Jaggery


- Cut the Bitter gourd into small pieces and fry it in a Tsp of oil till it becomes brown.
-Dry roast chana dal, urad dal and red chillies separately.
-Add all the ingredients including Bitter gourd and grind it into smooth paste.
-It goes well with Rice, Dosa and Chapathi as well.


  1. Wow , trying this tommorow morning with my ragi dosa

  2. Yes tried this recipe n it was awesome ,thank you Naina Sudarshan....
